Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (2024)

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    The series of M8 circular connector provides a wide range of metric M8 connectors for small sensors and actuators. The connector of 8mm metric size with thread locking mechanism, is one of the most commonly used connectors in factory automation, ideally suited for industrial control networks where small sendos are required.

    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (10)

    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (11)

    General Information

    Connector SerriesM8
    Locking typeFix screw
    Mounting typeStraight
    StandardIEC 61076-2-104
    Ambient temperature-25℃ ~ +80℃
    Connector insertPA
    Connector contactsBrass with gold plated
    Coupling nut/screwBrass with nickel plated
    Insulation resistance≥100 MΩ
    Contact resistance≤ 5 mΩ
    EMI ShieldingNon-Shielded
    IP ratingIP 67 in locked condition
    Locking DesignAnti-Vibration

    Electrical data & Mechanical data




    Rated currentVoltageWire gauge/sizeWire insulationCable ending & length
    03 pins

    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (12)








    cable ending and length

    04 pins

    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (13)




    05 pins

    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (14)




    06 pins

    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (15)







    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (16)





    Level and performance

    • Degree of protection: IP67

    • 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 poles are available

    • Cable plugs and panel receptacles are available


    When designing APTEK m8 bulkhead connector, a team of creative designers are employed. It is designed to be ergonomic and user-friendly and thus meets the needs of customers.


    APTEK m8 bulkhead connector is finely and expertly manufactured in a combination of abundant expertise and advanced production technology.


    APTEK m8 field wireable connector is designed by experts in the industry. It has a relatively scientific design structure, exquisite and tasteful appearance, which proves to be very pragmatic.


    To ensure the quality of APTEK m8 field wireable connector, the first-rate materials are used in the production, which acts as an important role in guaranteeing the basic quality assurance.


    The raw materials of APTEK m8 field wireable connector are carefully chosen. The production process of these materials are strict and their quality reaches the international standards, which helps it withstand the test of the time.


    Zhongshan Aptek Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd Standardized production mode is adopted to standardize every step in the production process, so as to achieve the purpose of comprehensively improving the resource utilization rate, reduce the loss of materials in the production process to the greatest extent, optimize the production cost, and thus ensure the [ 10219] On the premise of the same quality and performance, the added value is high and the price is better. Compared with similar products, the cost performance is high, and the purchase of our products can save more costs.

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    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (17)

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    Custom m8 field wireable connector connectors manufacturers for industry | APTEK (2024)


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    Author: Otha Schamberger

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    Name: Otha Schamberger

    Birthday: 1999-08-15

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    Phone: +8557035444877

    Job: Forward IT Agent

    Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

    Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.